Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The Few, The Proud, With Wings

HOMELAND presents this special tribute in honor of "The Few, The Proud, With Wings." Designed by Homelands own Carl Jones, this memorial is a tribute to Lt. Col. Michael L. Murphy, USMC and seven other Marines featured in the video below who died in tragic V-22 Osprey air crashes in April and December of year 2000.
  • Lt. Col. Michael L. Murphy
  • Lt. Col. Keith M. Sweaney
  • Lt. Col. John A. Brow
  • Maj. Brooks S. Gruber
  • SSgt. Avely W. Runnels
  • SSgt. W. Bryan Nelson
  • Sgt. Jason A. Buyck
  • Cpl. Kelly S. Keith

HOMELAND performed at their families memorial service held at Quantico Marine Base in Virginia. This monument will be placed at the new Marine Corps Museum near Quantico and HOMELAND will perform a tribute song, also written by Carl, titled "The Few, The Proud, With Wings." during the ceremony.

The symbology of the monument reflects the golden aviation pilots wings, which are joined back-to-back with air crew wings, positioned atop a polished granite pinnacle. The pinnacle is inverted from the bottom up as if to lift and guide the wings towards heaven. The three steps of its solid base represent Honor, Courage and Commitment, the guiding principals and honor code of every Marine. Its beautifully polished granite contains the names and aircrew of the V-22 Marines.

A dedication ceremony of the memorial is scheduled for May 31st, 2008 

Monday, December 3, 2007

HMM-362 Ugly Angels - Christmas Tribute

This video is a Christmas tribute to HMM-362 helicopter squadron, the "Ugly Angels" and our Marine buddy/Road Manager Frenchy LaFountaine, a "gung-ho" Vietnam Helicopter Crew Chief. This is a song that I wrote for the "Ugly Angels." HOMELAND produced and performed this at their Pensacola reunion. I thought we would "fly it again" for all the"Rotor Heads" like Frenchy, the Uglies and Ben Cascio, our USMC Vietnam helicopter pilot!!

The first frame of the video shows Rusty, Frenchy and Ben landing their old restored H-34, they flew in Vietnam, at the Marine Corps New River Air Station. Behind them is a V-22 Ospry piloted by Col. Michael "Murph" Murphy and our friend Lt.Col. Jim "Trigger" Schafer. This is a one of a kind historic picture of the two birds together. Sadly, Michael "the Murph" was tragically killed shortly after this photo was taken in a V-22 crash. HOMELAND will be performing at the dedication of the V-22 Osprey Memorial to be placed at the Marine Corps Museum at Quantico, VA.

The next frame shows Ben as Santa, Doc Jones and "the Uglies" by their old H-34 celebrating Christmas of 1967 in Vietnam. Semper Fi MARINES - Carl and HOMELAND

Friday, November 30, 2007

HOMELAND Hits Wants Your Feedback

HOMELAND Entertainment Group has been performing for our military, without charge, for over a decade. We are pleased to present our NEW "blog" page to spread the word about our Christian out-reach mission to our troops and veterans. We will be passing this address along to fans and friends so please help by directing others to our site. Drop us a line and tell us how you like our music, share your thoughts (only good ones -- we don't deal with negative stuff; life is just too short :)

All you vets and active military are VERY special to us. THANK YOU for your service to our country and for all you continue to do as you walk among those who are less fortunate. God Bless each of you. Pictured left to right are Larry Tidwell, Carl Jones, Boyce Smith and Ed Jones.... otherwise known as HOMELAND. BTW, visit us at Ohhhh Rah!!

Scroll down and take a look at our most requested songs titled "Why I Wear The Flag." This was written by Carl Jones shortly after 9/11. We performed in Washington, D.C. at the Rolling Thunder event (some 350,000 Vietnam vets) along with Paul Revere and the Raiders, Nancy Sinatra and Billy Ray Cyrus on Memorial Day. When we were finished, we left the stage wearing our flag shirts and a lady commented"You guys ought to be ashamed for wearing the flag!!"

I turned around and replied.... Lady, we wear the flag for the right reasons. I served as a Marine in Vietnam and earned the priviledge; we do it in honor of those who are not with us." That really haunted me until I was later was driving to Chattanooga, Tennessee to do a show for the Vietnam veterans. I knew there was going to be several Gold Star moms attending who had lost sons in combat. As I was driving, I wrote down the song on a napkin and started singing....when I arrived in Chattanooga, I called Ed with his guitar out in the alley behind the theatre and sang it to him. When Larry, Ed and Boyce jumped in with their vocals, there was no doubt as to why we wear the flag. See if you pick up on it and let us know what you think. Semper Fidelis -- Carl

"Why I Wear The Flag"