Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The Few, The Proud, With Wings

HOMELAND presents this special tribute in honor of "The Few, The Proud, With Wings." Designed by Homelands own Carl Jones, this memorial is a tribute to Lt. Col. Michael L. Murphy, USMC and seven other Marines featured in the video below who died in tragic V-22 Osprey air crashes in April and December of year 2000.
  • Lt. Col. Michael L. Murphy
  • Lt. Col. Keith M. Sweaney
  • Lt. Col. John A. Brow
  • Maj. Brooks S. Gruber
  • SSgt. Avely W. Runnels
  • SSgt. W. Bryan Nelson
  • Sgt. Jason A. Buyck
  • Cpl. Kelly S. Keith

HOMELAND performed at their families memorial service held at Quantico Marine Base in Virginia. This monument will be placed at the new Marine Corps Museum near Quantico and HOMELAND will perform a tribute song, also written by Carl, titled "The Few, The Proud, With Wings." during the ceremony.

The symbology of the monument reflects the golden aviation pilots wings, which are joined back-to-back with air crew wings, positioned atop a polished granite pinnacle. The pinnacle is inverted from the bottom up as if to lift and guide the wings towards heaven. The three steps of its solid base represent Honor, Courage and Commitment, the guiding principals and honor code of every Marine. Its beautifully polished granite contains the names and aircrew of the V-22 Marines.

A dedication ceremony of the memorial is scheduled for May 31st, 2008 

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